Paediatric treatment

Patient Care

Building Families & Smiles with Science & Experience.

We love to see the joy on the faces of expecting parents who have belatedly experienced the miracle of life. Patient care is the core responsibility of a medical practitioner. We assure that the patient is given the best possible care. In hospital, the doctors and nurses take care of their patients very carefully. We are responsible for answering any patient questions and always ensuring their basic needs are taken care of.


We offer a wide range of diagnostic
services for a comprehensive health

Our Doctors perform various procedures, focusing on minimally invasive treatment whenever it’s possible to minimize each patient’s discomfort and shorten the healing process. We’ll treat you well. That’s our simple promise, and we will do everything it takes to make things easy for you when health is posing challenges. Our specialists and support staff work in a coordinated and compassionate manner, and deliver the best and latest care for all medical conditions.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology


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Obstetrics & Gynaecology

We offer the finest quality healthcare and facilities to treat all gynaecological conditions. Our specialist consultants and physicians will put together a treatment plan after a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition or complaints. Our assessments start with an in-depth discussion with patients, putting you at the centre of the process, so we can fully understand your concerns.



Assess the growth of a child to identify the early signs & symptoms during various growth and development stages. Our paediatric experts provide consultation and treatment to improve and ensure progressive acquisition of physical, cognitive, emotional and social, communication, sensory & motor development. Our paediatricians ensure and motivate brain development & early learning in infants through progressive medical care. Our doctors help newborn babies’ exhibit automatic responses to external stimuli for those with developmental disabilities, and also treat genetic disorders in children.

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopy is used in diagnosis when non-invasive methods can't diagnose a condition, and surgeries performed are via small incisions, which increases postoperative patient recovery, reduces blood loss and pain and significantly improves cosmesis. Offering minimally invasive surgical procedures for both simple and complex conditions of the abdomen and pelvic area. Although the incisions are tiny, laparoscopy is still considered surgery and recovery takes about one week for most women.

Andrology & Men's Health

Since the advent of assisted reproduction, the scientific focus on infertility has mainly concentrated on female issues. This point of view, however, is now shifting as more and more evidence accumulates on the importance of the male factor. We believe that by increasing the focus on andrology, we can help couples realize their ultimate dream – parenthood.

Men's Health

Women's Infertility

Treatment for infertility should first address any underlying medical condition that may be contributing to fertility problems. Drugs, surgery, or both may be used to treat these conditions. Surgery may also be used to repair blockage in fallopian tubes. Choosing a good fertility clinic is important in the success of treatment. Women above 35 may want to begin exploring their options if they do not become pregnant within 6 months to a year. The preferred clinic should always provide the live-birth rate and not just pregnancy success rate. Statistics should include high-risk women, such as those who are older or fail to produce eggs. Advanced fertility procedures and medications are extremely expensive and often not covered by insurance. Women who are undergoing cancer treatments and who want to become pregnant should see a reproductive specialist to discuss their options.
